My Weightloss Secret

Weightloss herbalife

(This is a sponsored post that I worked on with Herbalife - But as always the views are 100% my own.)

A couple of years ago I was stuck in a rut. I was working full time as a Surf Coach and trying to fit the occasional modelling job in-between. I basically had no energy and at the end of the day I’d come home exhausted, eat a huge bowl of pasta and fall asleep on the bed. The mornings weren’t much better either; I’d try and stay under the duvet for as long as possible and regularly skipped breakfast. I had no time for exercise and believed that just by being on the beach all day and helping people catch waves was probably enough. I noticed my clothes were starting to feel tighter and this worried me, especially as I’d just been taken on by a Modelling Agency. I knew that something had to change. 

Weightloss herbalife

Chance Meetings 

They say that sometimes when you’re not expecting it, the Universe delivers.  By chance my mum bumped into one of her friends that she hadn’t seen for ages. I remember her telling me that she hardly recognised this lady as she looked so amazing! She said how envious she felt over her friend’s weight loss and new zest for life. During the conversation she’d asked her how she did it and was given a card for a personal trainer the friend had been using. My mum said I should give it a go and give the trainer a call.

Ask Me How?

As the surf coaching work dried up for the Summer, I decided to make an investment in myself and booked 12 sessions with the trainer my mum’s friend had recommended, Karen at Kapow Healthy Living.  As I drove into the car park to meet Karen at her gym, I noticed these three words on a Board outside – “Ask Me How”. I think the moment I met Karen those three words became very apparent to me.  Here was a lady double my age (I’m sure she won’t mind me telling you that) and busy mum of 3 and, as she walked over to me I noticed how her skin glowed, her body looked healthy and toned and she had heaps of energy – I definitely needed to ask her how!!

Weightloss herbalife

Shakes for Breakfast

Our first training session was so hard, but afterwards Karen took me into her office and made me the most gorgeous chocolate shake.  It felt so good to have this drink after working out and I asked her what was in it? She gave me a little bag which had 6 sample sachets in from Herbalife.  She told me that it was entirely up to me whether I wanted to try it or not, but suggested I use one each day as a healthy breakfast, adding milk, fruit and lots of ice.

The next morning I woke up really early and was excited to try one of the sachets. I thought I’d go with the Formula 1 Cookies & Cream Flavour and, adding some chocolate soya milk, a banana, and a big handful of ice, I whizzed it all up in my blender. The taste was amazing and I started to feel good, like I’d made the first step to a healthier and more energised me.

Weightloss Herbalife

Step by Step Guide to my favourite (and quick) Healthy Breakfast:

1 x chopped banana


Add Alpro Chocolate Soya Milk


2 Scoops of Formula 1 Chocolate Flavour


Handful of ice


Blend it up




And enjoy!

Why Herbalife?

 Herbalife are a company that I trust. There are no gimmicks just nutritious products. The Formula 1 Shake was developed by Nutritionists and Food Scientists to help people improve their wellbeing through responsible weight management. They have such an amazing range on offer and now that I’ve reached my ideal weight, my focus is on maintaining and building muscle with protein. Make sure you keep and eye out over the next couple of week as I’m going to share some more blogs with you on my post workout shake, some really yummy healthy snacks (that you wont believe) and I’ll also be trying out their beautifully indulgent new SKIN range!

In the meantime why not check out some of these amazing recipes using the Formula 1 Shake! –

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