I've been surfing since the age of 13 and have a passion for all things outdoors and living a healthy and happy lifestyle. My love of surfing has shaped my career and enabled me to work as an ISA Surf Coach with some of the best Surf Schools in the South West. Having surfed competitively in my early teens I decided I wanted to take a different stance within the industry and am now one of the few females in the industry qualified as an ISA Level 2 Surf Judge having worked with Surfing England and the UK Pro Surf Tour.

Nowadays I surf for fun, relaxation and as a way to switch off from the stresses and strains of everyday life. I'm extremely passionate about using surfing as therapy and as a way to encourage more people to get outside, stay active and experience the benefits that the sport can bring. I think this is particularly important to children and this is the reason I have continued to work closely with the charity The Wave Project.

The Wave Project

WAVE PROJECT: The Wave Project is a surf therapy charity founded and based in Newquay which helps young people to reduce anxiety and gain confidence through surfing. The courses they have been proven to have a positive impact and make their clients feel calmer, more motivated and better about their future.

As a fully qualified ISA Surf Coach, I'm extremely proud to be an Ambassador for the Wave Project. I've been working with them on a voluntary basis for the last 5 years and have been responsible for leading lessons for some of the more vulnerable children. Working with them has changed my whole outlook on surfing and nothing can beat the feeling you get by helping someone catch a wave for the first time and putting a huge smile on their face!

The Wave Project depends on volunteers, so if you're interested in helping out log on to their website and click on 'Get Involved". You'll be supporting a great cause and you're guaranteed to share lots of smiles and high fives - its such a fun and worthwhile thing to do!

The Wave Project
The Wave Project
The Wave Project